Application Procedures

The Foundation does not invite unsolicited proposals. However, brief introductory letters (1-2 pages) may be submitted for review. If subsequently invited to submit, full proposals usually include the following requirements:

  • Organization’s purpose and history

  • Description of program proposed for funding

  • Contact information

  • Project budget overview, including other sources of funding

  • Organizational budget for current fiscal year

  • Previous year’s budget, most recent audit, and un-audited financial statements

  • Copy of organizational 501c3 documentation from the IRS

  • List of organizational funding sources for current and previous fiscal years

  • A description of the evaluation process used to determine if objectives are being achieved

The Foundation frequently provides general operating support and does not insist on funding specific projects. It is not necessary to provide materials specifically tailored to the Foundation. If the board approves moving forward, the organization will be contacted regarding next steps in the proposal process. The Foundation does not have proposal deadlines and makes grants on a rolling basis throughout its fiscal year.

Introductory letters and other inquiries can be forwarded by email to the following contact:

Walter S. Mander Foundation c/o Chuck Wolf, President cwolf[at]